1:00pm - 1:30pm • Basketball Church service with an interactive message (participants need to attend the service in order to play)
1:30pm - 4:00pm • Full court 8-minute basketball games
4:00pm - 4:30pm • Family-style dinner
Let’s face it, the Church has not always had the best relationship with the community and society around it. Because of this, there are a great many people that are hesitant and resistant to anything the Church might offer. In hopes of sharing the love of Jesus and taking his mandate to “make Christ-like disciples of all nations” we started to use the game of basketball to do just that. What started back in 2016 as an open gym has grown to a thriving ministry of young men and women from across the area that previously may not have been open to the Gospel message. Basketball Church has become a beautiful expression of God’s love that bridges all racial, cultural, socio-economic, and religious chasms found in a great many churches. If you doubt it, come check it out for yourself. Talk to Pastor Larry to learn more!
Check it out.
Get up close and personal with Basketball Church - check out this fun video made by one of the guys!