ReyNaz Kidz is a program designed for kids from birth to 5th grade to have a fun and engaging environment where we can help them become more like Jesus by understanding that they are loved no matter what! By partnering with parents, our goal is to help kids encounter the life-changing truth of Jesus and His word. We do this each week through Bible-based interactive lessons, exciting worship, and fun.
ReyNaz Kidz is also designed to meet kids right where they are with engaging programs, caring leaders, and partnering with parents/guardians. We know that all kids are made on purpose, with a purpose, and have the greatest chance of building a lifelong relationship with Jesus when we all invest together.
Intergenerational Worship – We value the modeling of worship for our kids. So, the first Sunday of each month, the kids worship with everyone else in the sanctuary. Just before the sermon starts, the kids go back to the Kidz Chapel for an age-appropriate lesson and fun.
Families on the 5th – Everytime there is a 5th Sunday in a month (quarterly) the children sit in the sanctuary for the entire worship gathering. They are not a distraction at all. We provide bags with activities that go along with the message that day. This way they can actively listen and cognitively digest and put into practice the teaching for that day.

ReyNaz Youth is a group for students 6th-12th grades. We meet in the upstairs youth room on Sundays from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. During this time, students receive a meal, play a game, hear a lesson, and participate in small groups. The lesson is a Bible-based message that starts at 7:00pm and is specifically designed for the issues that today’s youth face. At 7:30pm students break out into small groups to discuss the message and how it applies to them.
Our goal for our students is to teach them that they are not the future of the church, but they are the church NOW! Students will take the knowledge that they learn to cultivate a relationship with Christ and share that same experience with others.