What We're All About
At ReyNaz we believe that we worship the Lord not just with our voices, but with our whole selves - heart, mind and body. When we sing, God the Holy Spirit is also engaging with our whole selves and calling us to respond in our hearts, in our minds, and with our bodies. Sometimes that means raising our hands or kneeling at the altar. It also means we worship the Lord as we walk through our daily lives.
Corporate worship happens in many different ways. Many times it means singing together, but it also includes so much more: reading Scripture, praying together, and hearing a message from the Word together. Sometimes it includes other forms of art like painting or dancing, and it always includes so many people working behind the scenes to make sure each element points to God and gives God glory. That’s the point of worship: to give God all the glory.
At ReyNaz we strive to represent the heart song of our congregation in our Sunday morning gatherings, understanding that there is beauty in the songs of all God’s people - young and old, near and far. No matter the song or act of worship, our prayer is that each person will encounter God’s transforming presence and be empowered to worship God as they go.