Welcome to Reynoldsburg Nazarene!
Whether you’ve visited a couple of times or if you’re planning to visit this week for the first time, here’s everything you need to know about us!
When You Arrive
We want you to feel comfortable, so there is no need to dress up for us. We strive to have a casual, relaxed environment that allows for genuine community and relationships to build naturally.
Sunday School
If you'd like the opportunity to meet with others and discuss biblical topics, we meet before worship for Sunday School classes.
These begin at 9:30am and there is a place for everyone!

1st Service - Worship Gathering
The worship gathering begins at 10:30am and will last around 60-75 minutes. During our time together you will experience some wonderful music, times of prayer, offering, as well as a biblical message that challenge you and leave you ready to tackle the week ahead.
Feel free to sit wherever you would like and take it all in or participate however you feel comfortable. We look to authentically encounter God each week and that looks different for each person.
Click HERE to read more about our worship philosophy and all the different ways you can participate in worshiping the Lord here at Reynoldsburg Nazarene.
2nd Service - Basketball Church
The doors open at 12:30pm where people can get a snack from the kitchen and grab a ball to warm up before the service starts. The worship service starts in the sanctuary at 1:10pm and will last from 30-45 minutes. There will be times of worship music, prayer, as well as a challenging, relevant message that can be applied to your everyday life. Please find a seat in the center section of chairs and participate in a comfortable manner.
After the service is closed in prayer, we will move out to the gym for a rotation of 8-minute games. Teams will be chosen at random from the registration list as you come in the door. Our goal is to get everyone the same amount of playing time. It is a requirement to have attended the worship service (or 1 st service) to play that afternoon. Games conclude around 4:00pm and a meal is served for everyone to enjoy together.
Where is ReyNaz?
Our church is located at 1340 Crest Street in Reynoldsburg, OH. We are tucked behind the CVS at the corner of Main Street and Rosehill Dr. Look for the steeple!