Pastor Brad Crumbacher
Favorite food: Donuts!
Hidden talent: He can sew
What he would do if not in ministry: Take old buildings (banks, churches, stores) and make houses out of them.
Brad Crumbacher has come to us from Pickerington Church of the Nazarene where he served as Youth Pastor for over ten years. During his time in ministry he has loved building relationships while sharing the gifts of leadership, compassion, hospitality, creative thinking, and design that God has blessed him with. For the past 6+ years he has also served as the South Central Ohio District NYI Vice President giving him the opportunity to plan and organize many district events such as Winter Retreat, Summer Camp, District Blast, as well as Nazarene Youth Conference (NYC).
Brad has an associates degree from Ivy Tech State College in Design Technology and a Bachelors degree from Anderson University in Organizational Leadership. He also attended Nazarene Bible College for his ministry classes. In his free time, Brad enjoys cycling, playing golf, mowing his lawn, woodworking, watching hockey, traveling, and spending time with his wife, Jill, and three kids, Anna, Hayden, and Abby.