Sunday School | 9:30am
1st Service | 10:30am
ReyNaz Kidz | 10:30am
2nd Service - Basketball Church | 1:00pm
Students | 6:30-8:00pm
1340 Crest St.
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
Church office hours: 9am - 2pm, Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday
Our tools? The Bible, basketball, and family dinner.
Our mission? To share the good news and love of Christ with young people in our community.

CarePortal is Care-Sharing Technology that drives action for local kids and families in crisis. Use Approval Code “ReyNazCares” when signing up.
Watch the latest livestream!
Current Series
During the season of Lent we are invited to repent and mourn our sin, which separates us from God. We will focus on what it means to truly encounter Jesus for the very first time and take nothing for granted; neither our sin nor our salvation. We will face our sin, open our hearts to grieve it, and receive forgiveness through our hope Jesus Chirst. Join us for our Lenten series Mourn Again.

Do you love ReyNaz? Show everyone by representing the church all over town in our great merchandise. There are tons of items and styles. AND… a percentage of every sale comes back to the church to help further what God has and is continuing to do here in Reynoldsburg.