“Through the long , ongoing health battle with my daughter, the significant losses that she has suffered and her incredible ability to maintain a life free of bitterness, I have learned a lot about the process of seeking & maintaining true joy in our lives. Finding and keeping joy is easy when things are all sunny and bright in our lives --- like skipping along on a sunny spring day with your bestie through a field of daffodils.
But sometimes that joy eludes us, and we need to get down on our knees, get our fingernails dirty, and dig in the dirt to find and hold onto that precious joy that is our very strength. And sometimes, even when we’ve dug those peanuts out of the ground, there’s an ugly shell that needs cracked and peeled before we get to the really good stuff.
Daffodils & Peanuts is a group of women who share those daffodil moments and rejoice with each other the praises and blessings of our lives; however, our greater work is in the promise of never allowing a sister to dig in the dirt alone as she tries hard to seek and find the joy in the dark times of her life. At D&P, when a sister is clawing her way through the peanut field, we get down in the dirt, get our fingernails dirty, and dig alongside her.” - Risé Bonner, D&P founder